Repair cracked glass or ceramics I Kintsugi Tools | Goenne Japan
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With extremely hard tungsten carbide tip, this tool is perfect for scribing on ceramics and glass surfaces. 


Having trouble getting lacquer and repairing pastes into extreme fine cracks? Lacquer or gold powder not adhering well over the crack because the crack line is too thin?


To repair fine hairline cracks on glass or ceramics, use this scriber to open up the cracks to give more room for the urushi lacquer to seep through and create stronger bond.  It also creates better footing for sabi and the multi-layers of lacqer to be applied over the crack line.  


Notes:  Hold the scriber pen as verticle as possible for best engraving strength.  Te prevent the tip slipping off the crack, work slowly in small strokes, moving only 1-2 mm at a time. 

Scriber pen for Repairing cracks - Kintsugi

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